HTC Vive Tracking Issues

In this article, we will discuss very detailed HTC Vive Tracking Issues. furthermore, The gaming industry has been making some significant technological advances. The most popular of them all is the new trend of playing games and watching movies using a VR headset. The HTC VIVE headset opens a gateway between the natural world and the virtual environment filled with enthralling experiences.

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The HTC Vive is a popular virtual reality headset, but it can be prone to tracking issues. Tracking issues can occur when the camera of the HTC Vive is not properly configured, or if there is a lack of tracking features in the room.

It can also happen if the headset camera is blocked, or if the room is not bright enough. To resolve these issues, users should modify the refresh rate of the camera and make sure that their base stations are mounted on a solid surface that isn’t prone to vibration or movements. Additionally, they should close blinds to reduce ambient IR from sunlight, turn off all lights and make sure all NVIDIA drivers are up to date

HTC Vive Tracking Issues

If you’re the proud owner of a recently purchased HTC Vive virtual reality headset, then you know just how incredible yet sometimes frustrating an experience it is. With the device’s intuitive controls and sharp graphic fidelity, there is truly nothing else quite like it in terms of today’s immersive video gaming technology. But lately some users have reported issues with its head tracking not registering accurately at times. If this issue has been affecting your usage as well, don’t worry; There could be a few explanations for what’s going on and we’ll explore them here in this blog post!

VR headsets are an excellent addition to optimize mixed reality experiences. Most people face hardware issues while using them. The most common problem faced is the tracking system starts to glitch. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can fix HTC VIVE tracking issues.

Basic Ways To Deal With HTC VIVE Tracking Issues:

Basic Ways To Deal With HTC VIVE Tracking Issues
Basic Ways To Deal With HTC VIVE Tracking Issues

First things first, let’s start with talking about the simplest ways to deal with HTC VIVE tracking issues. This section has elaborated on each fixing procedure, yet we also made sure that it is easy to understand. Please ensure you read each step twice before you proceed to act according to our instructions. We suggest that you read this article carefully to avoid making any mistakes that may add to your list of problems.

  • Check Frame Timing Spikes:

When you are experiencing some tracking issues, you must check your available time frame timing spikes.  If you can see the frame timing spikes, it alarms the user about a problem in the CPU performance. To check your frame times sparks – go to the StreamVR tab, select the Settings option, click on the Performance option, and then on the Display frame timing.

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To improve your PC’s CPU performance, you can update the graphic drivers or replace the graphic cards with new ones. Make sure that you manage your PC storage by deleting files to make some memory space. You can also do that by disabling a few apps that you don’t use frequently. This will ensure that your computer runs the most smoothly and enhances your game performance.

In addition to this, you can also adjust the in-game settings by changing the resolution and reducing the quality of text and images. If you have a laptop, it probably has a battery that saves power and maximizes performance. However, you may have to change that if your computer has Windows 10 installed on your computer.

  • Correct Placement Of Base Stations:

If you can not view any frame timing spikes, there is probably an issue with your base station connections. Ensure that they are 5 to 16 meters apart and are placed at the height of 6 feet. They should be inclined downwards at an angle of 30 – 45 degrees. After that, make sure that they are powered and in sync.

Remember: the base stations should be attached or placed securely on a rough surface to prevent damage. Indeed, it is a robust object, but it will break if it falls from such a height and lands at a wrong angle. To avoid throwing all your money in the bin, you have to use the hardware that comes with this headset carefully.

  • Base Stations Should See Objects:

Moreover, you should also make sure they can see the devices. Check the LED lights on the base station; ensure the headset and controllers have a clear line of sight of the stations. Any objects or people moving in front of the base stations may disrupt the tracking system.

  • Remove Reflective Objects From The Play Area:

Don’t forget to remove any reflective objects or surfaces from around the play area! These reflective objects may cause tracking issues. Before you start playing, cover all things around the VR playroom with a cloth to prevent any reflection from occurring.

We would suggest that you create a play area in an empty room – it can be your office room. Trying to make some space in an open area would prevent you from hassling all the time. First, you cover every reflective object with a cloth, and then you start playing – prevents this from happening. Relax, make your life easier and keep your head in the game!

  • Firmly Connect Wires:

Another reason you may be facing HTC VIVE tracking issues because you probably didn’t firmly connect the wires. If you are using sync cables, they should be connected to each base station. Check to see if some wires are loosely connected to your hardware devices (headset, link box, and computers).

With this point, we would like to include a warning for a health hazard. While enjoying you are enjoying your virtual journey, you might trip over the loosely connected wires. Either that or if you have children at home, they might play with these wires. You have to make sure that this does not happen. Otherwise, you might get injured.

  • Turn Off The Front Camera:

Lastly, turning on the front camera can also be a reason behind HTC VIVE tracking problems. Whenever you open the dashboard and have issues with the tracking, your camera is the reason behind them. You can resolve this issue by lowering the camera bandwidth. You can also select the StreamVR and then choose the ‘Camera’ option to disable the front camera.

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FAQ | HTC Vive Tracking Issues


The HTC VIVE headset is one of the most popular gaming headsets on the market. It opens a gateway between the natural world and the virtual environment, providing users with enthralling experiences. I personally love using it to play games and watch movies. If you’re looking for a great VR experience, I highly recommend checking out the HTC VIVE.

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